Significant Effect Of EPA & DHA For Lowering Blood Pressure - Wiley's Finest Skip to main content

Significant Effect Of EPA & DHA For Lowering Blood Pressure

By April 14, 2014News

Significan Effect of EPA & DHA Lowering Blood Pressure

A review of over 70 clinical trials that were conducted to specifically look at the impact of EPA and DHA on blood pressure, demonstrated that these commonly found Omega-3’s in whole fish and fish oil supplements have as much impact on lowering blood pressure as other, more commonly recommended lifestyle interventions (Figure 1).1

This recent review clearly indicates that as well as other lifestyle changes, hypertensive or pre-hypertensive individuals should aim to consume a minimum intake of 1000mg to 2000mg or more of EPA + DHA per day to manage blood pressure. This is a very significant finding because 77.9 million (1 out of every 3) US adults have high blood pressure which increases their risk of cardiovascular disease and death.2Blood Pressure Chart

Figure 1. Average reductionsin systolic blood pressure as effected by various lifestyle interventions in untreated hypertensives (chart courtesy:GOED)

A study by Stamler, et. al., showed that each 2 mm Hg reduction in Systolic Blood Pressure reduces stroke mortality by 6 percent, coronary heart disease mortality by 4 percent and total mortality by 3 percent.3

This well-conducted statistical analysis of a large number of randomized trials, supports the already ironclad conclusion that EPA and DHA are essential nutrients for heart health.

EPA & DHA are Essential to HeartHealth


About Wiley’s Finest and Sister to Sister: The Women’s Heart Health Foundation

Wiley’s Finest is proud to partner with Sister to Sister: The Women’s Heart Health Foundation to promote heart health awareness, especially for women. Many women are not aware that heart disease is their number one health concern. Wiley’s Finest is committed to supporting education about the positive health impacts of EPA & DHA Omega-3 from Fish Oil.4

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1. Paige E. Miller, Mary Van Elswyk, and Dominik D. Alexander “Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Randomized Controlled Trials” American Journal of Hypertension, March 2014. doi:10.1093/ajh/hpu024

3. Stamler R. (1991) Implications of the INTERSALT Study” Hypertension. 17, 16-20.
4. Thanks to the Global Organization for EPA & DHA (GOED) for their assistance with this summary and providing data for charts

Acid and Blood Pressure: A Meta-Analysis of

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