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Indian Mud Run 2019
Another successful year at the Indian Mud Run, with around one thousand participants from 36 states, two Canadian Provinces, and Great Britain attending, and Wiley’s Finest continuing in its tradition as the leading sponsor of the community event.
The Indian Mud Run is a competitive OCR race covering over 6 miles of rolling hills, steep elevations, mud, canals, and natural rock formations. With over 70 obstacles both man-made and natural, IMR is a qualifying event for both the North American OCR Championships and the OCR World Championships each year.
Wiley’s Finest Zoo Summer Picnic 2019
For a second year in a row, Wiley’s Finest held its employee summer picnic at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. A great time was had by all as friends and family gathered for a luncheon, and enjoyed the many activities of the zoo, aquarium, and water park, including a few close encounters with zoo residents!